Sad Monkey Mimi and Hakim Jungle Falful
Once upon a time, in this remote jungle, full
of different animals, big and small trees long, short colored flowers and beautiful colors red, yellow, orange and white, the monkeys lived in the forest and the little monkey Mimi The monkey Mimi was always sad and crying, and God created him without him like animals and monkeys The other in the forest, the monkey Mimi was very sad not to have a tail, and was unable to climb trees and swing without a tail. . They are usually monkeys, and play on long-tailed twigs and trees, but Mimi has no tail and is very sad. Himself.
The little monkeys made fun of him and made fun of him by telling him that you were no tail, that you were not like a monkey, and that he was not playing with him because he could not climb the mountain. Tree and swing, this little monkey playing alone at the bottom of the tree can not play like the rest of the monkeys above the tree and twigs was his friend. The little dog Nano likes to sit with him under the tree and play with him to talk and talk, Nano dog says: Why, Mimi sad today.
The little monkey replied: Because the monkeys do not like to play with me because I do not have a long tail like them, so I climb the tree like them, replied the small dog saying: Thank God, my friend, you are faster than all of them and faster than all of them if they ran on the ground you precede them all my friend Thank God for what he gave you, Mimi, and do not object to anything.
But the monkey Mimi was not convinced by friendly words, and his mother went sad crying saying why my mother was created so without tail like the rest of the animals, the mother said to him: O God, my son and do not say these words, but he did not praise God and not convinced by these words, and decided to go to Hakim the jungle Elephant Falfoul even give him a new tail, the little monkey went sad to the place of the Elephant Falfoul and while walking on the road, his friend found the dog Nano, the dog said to him where are you going, my friend replied Monkey Mimi: I am going to sage the forest until he gives me a long tail Oh My friend, the dog was surprised and said: What you do, my friend is wrong and you object to what God has given you, however The monkey Mimi said to him: You have no income in what I do, Nano Vtarkni alone.
Nano grieved a lot and the little dog went away from the monkey crying, did not care about him Mimi did not wrap him, but the fastest completes the way to the elephant Falfoul, and the monkey went to the elephant Falfoul wise forest and the elephant lived in a place far away on the outskirts of the forest, and the elephant Falfoul is a A very small elephant is probably in the same size as he is but as an elephant, Mimi was surprised by what he saw in front of him and wondered with astonishment: Are you really an elephant so the sage of the jungle.
And the elephant said: "So God created me, my son, and I am comfortable with that. And I thank God, the monkey Mimi replied: But you are very small, elephant, the elephant smiled, saying:
Allah the Almighty has created me like this small size, but I have a big mind and so smart, that I became the wise forest and the smartest animal in it, son. So you are here to consult me, the monkey looked at the elephant and wept and said: I want a long tail to play with my friends, wise. Individual elephant: But you have a small something very special God has given you is a great speed Did you know that you had a tail probably could not run very quickly God has distinguished you something, and here the monkey Mimi thought in the words of the elephant Falfoul, and knew how wrong he himself and then left He ran quickly, after thanking him very much. The elephant alerted him to something important to praise God for what He gave so that he would not take E of him and went to his friend Nano and was still walking sadly in the forest, Mimi apologized to him and said to him forgive me my friend will not do that again apologized to you and said the dog and where your tail Mimi laughed Mimi and said no I do not want any tail and how I play with you and run if I had a tail.
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