The story of the little dog and the evil wolf
There were a lot of animals living in the forest, living happily and happily.There were three dogs living in one house.His brother loved each other after the parents left
These dogs lived happily and happily.
But the little dog did not hear the words, and went alone in the big forest, and watched the wolf as he was playing with the birds, he went behind him and said to him, wait, little dog, wait A little please and tell me where to go, the little dog said: I go to the forest until I play with the little bird.
The dog said, "I don't want to play with you. You're very wicked. Maybe you ate me." The wolf said to him, laughing: No, I won't do trust in me. Why do I eat you? I just want to play with you. The dog said to him, "Do you promise me that you will not eat me, wolf?"
The small dog agreed to play with the wolf and did not listen to the advice of his brothers not to play with the wolf because he is a villain eating small dogs and afraid of the big, but he exploits the young to avenge the adults who threaten his life, but did not listen to anyone's words.
Taking the wolf says to the dog artfully: Do you want to see something strange, dog I want to show you the abandoned well in the forest, this well in a lot of bones, joy the dog a lot and said do you speak sincerity wolf Is there a lot of bone really, shook his head Yes there are a lot of bones Come with me and you will see for yourself, believe him the little dog and went with him to the abandoned well until he takes the bones.
They entered the dark forest and the dog-friendly owl was standing over the tree, and a good owl saw the little dog and felt that he was in trouble and rushed a plane running quickly to his two big brothers.
When the wolf saw them, the wolf ran faster and was terrified, but he had hurt and hit the small dog in his legs and feet. The big dog stood up saying what you did, little bitchy brother. You wouldn't go with a wolf.
The little dog started crying by conquering and apologizing, saying, apologize, brother, I did not hear your words and went with the evil wolf, and I believed that he is not evil, his big brother replied, 'Why do I lie to you? Hurt yourself I am your big brother and love you good and know your interest.
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